Support Groups
We invite you to join us for any of the following groups that may be of interest to you, a family member or a friend. Participants with similar health and wellness concerns are able to discuss their personal circumstances and experiences and receive support from group members and facilitators in a confidential setting. These groups are offered at no cost to the community.
Grupos de Apoyo y Conocimiento
St. Mary les invita a participar en los siguientes grupos de apoyo que sean de interés para usted, algún miembro de su familia o alguna amistad. Los grupos ofrecen una oportunidad para aprender, formar nuevas amistades y compartir sus experiencias en un ambiente de confianza. Estos grupos son gratis para la comunidad.
*Material Educativo en Español esta disponible.
- Third Tuesday of the month, 6 - 7:30 p.m. (except holidays)
- Location: St. Mary Medical Center, Brothers Conference Room
- For more information, call 760-946-4241
- Facilitators and Co-Sponsors: St. Mary Diabetes Education Center
- Fourth Tuesday of the month, 6 - 7 p.m. (except holidays)
- Location: St. Mary Medical Center, Brothers Conference Room
- For more information, call 760-946-8170
Diabetes Educacion y Apoyo (Espanol)
- El Cuarto Miercoles del Mes, 10-11:30 a.m.
- St. Joan of Arc Church, Victorville
- Por informacion, llame 760-946-4241
A 12-week program to help people move beyond the pain caused by loss. Loss can be many things including the death of a loved one, divorce, financial changes or moving. The sessions are for two hours and there are morning and afternoon programs. There is a $30 fee, which includes the book, "The Grief Recovery Handbook."
For more information, call 760-242-2311, ext. 4232
Grief Recovery Outreach
Un programa de recuperación de alguna perdida ya sea la muerte de algún ser querido, divorcio, cambios financieros, o una mudanza. El curso es de 12 semanas y se requiere una contribución de $30 dólares para cubrir el costo de las materias.
- Grupo de apoyo a mujeres con cancer en Español. - (Support group for Spanish speaking women with cancer)
- Facilitator: Verenice Santos
- Segundo Lunes del Mes, 11 a.m. -1 p.m. (second Monday of each month, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
- Los familiares y cuidadores son bienvenidos. (families and caregivers are welcome.)
- Location: St. Mary Senior Select Resource Center, 19333 Bear Valley Rd, Suite 103, Apple Valley (Cross Street: Apple Valley Rd)
- Por informacion, lamme 760-912-8805
- First and third Friday of the month (except holidays), 1 - 2:30 p.m.
- All mothers, moms-to-be and babies under six months of age are welcome.
- Location: Apple Valley Community Health Center, 18077 Highway 18, Suite 100, Apple Valley
- For more information, call 760-946-4241
- Fourth Monday of the month (Except holidays), 1 - 2:30 p.m.
- Support for families who completed the Nurturing Parenting Program
- Location: Apple Valley Community Health Center, 18077 Highway 18, Suite 100, Apple Valley
- For more information call 760-946-4241
- Segundo Lunes del Mes, 9 - 10:30 a.m.
- Apoyo para familias los que completean la Programa de Crianza Con Carino
- Location: Apple Valley Community Health Center, 18077 Highway 18, Suite 100, Apple Valley
- Por informacion, lamme 760-946-4241