Contact Us

St. Jude Medical Center

101 E. Valencia Mesa Drive,
Fullerton, CA 92835
Map and Directions

Use this form for non-urgent, non-medical questions or comments. Messages should not contain personal health information. Call 911 if you have a life-threatening emergency.

Important numbers

General Information
714- 871-3280

714-992-3000 Ext. 1100


Employment Opportunities

Financial Assistance Program

Patient Relations
714-992-3000 Ext. 3749

Find a Physician

Services and Departments

Advanced Comprehensive Stroke Center714-446-5196

Advanced Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center714-992-3000 Ext. 2985

Ann G. Fetters Diagnostic Imaging Center714-447-6400

Breast Center 714-446-5650

Cardiac Rehabilitation 714-992-3000 Ext. 3789

Cardiology Testing 714-992-3000 Ext. 3905

Care Management – 714-992-3000 Ext. 3737

Family Caregiver Resource Center714-446-5030

Center for Thoracic and Esophageal Diseases – 714-446-5900

Chronic Pain Services – 714-578-8716

Digestive Health (Endoscopy and GI) – 714-446-5831

Fetal Diagnostic Center 714-992-3000 Ext. 2991

Fred A. Jordan Family Radiation Oncology Center714-446-5632

Gift Shop – 714-992-3000 Ext. 1107

Hearing-Impaired Teletype 714-992-3000 Ext. 7777

Home Health 714-992-3000 Ext. 2551

Hospice 714-712-9559

Human Resources – 714-992-3920

Interpreter Services – 714-992-3000 Ext. 7777

Knott Family Endoscopy Center – 714-446-5831 

Lymphedema Services 714-992-3000 Ext. 2985

Memorial Foundation – 714-992-3033

Outpatient Rehabilitation714-992-3000 Ext. 3341

Pain Management – 714-578-8716

Public Affairs – 714-992-3000 ext. 3761

Radiology  – 714-992-3956

Rehabilitation, Inpatient714-447-6405

Rehabilitation, Outpatient714-578-8720

Security – 714-992-3000 Ext. 2550

Senior Services714-446-7035

Sleep Center714-446-7240

Speech and Swallow Therapy714-578-8720 Ext. 2327

Spiritual Care – 714-992-3000 Ext. 3810

Social Services – 714-992-3000 Ext. 3737

Support Groups – 877-459-3627

Virginia K. Crosson Cancer Center  – 714-446-5900

Volunteer Services – 714-992-3000 Ext. 2878

As one of Southern California’s most respected and technologically advanced hospitals, the media often looks to St. Jude Medical Center as a source of information and insights on healthcare. If you are a member of the media looking for a story idea or a source, use the links below to keep current, to establish contact, or to understand our guidelines for access.

Communications & News Media Contacts

24-hour media contact: 714-871-3280

St. Jude Medical Center 
Dru Ann Copping, VP, Public Affairs and Marketing 
Office: 714-992-3000, ext. 3761 
Mobile: 714-732-2012

Interview, Photography & Live Shot Requests

Public Affairs must approve requests for interviews and photographs with patients, physicians or employees at St. Jude Medical Center before scheduling. Public Affairs will request written consent from the interviewee and accompany news media at all times in St. Jude facilities. For more information, please contact:

Dru Ann Copping, VP, Public Affairs and Marketing 
Office: 714-992-3000, ext. 3761 
Mobile: 714-732-2012

Patient Condition Reports

A patient condition report describes a patient's medical condition in general terms. The term “stable” is not an accurate description of a patient’s condition and therefore should not be used.

  • Undetermined - Patient is awaiting physician assessment or is currently being evaluated by a physician.
  • Good - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
  • Fair - Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
  • Serious - Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
  • Critical - Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.
  • Death - Patient's death can be released only after the family is notified and after permission is granted from the family's legal representative.

Patient Information Requests

Under HIPAA*, news media must provide the patient's name before the release of any patient information. Our responsibility, first and foremost, is to our patients, and this responsibility includes protecting a patient’s privacy. Public Affairs will not release information about:

  • Patients who request that no information be released.
  • Patients who are involved in domestic violence, rape, sexual abuse, child/elderly abuse, chemical dependency or attempted suicide.
  • Patients in danger as determined by law enforcement officials.
  • Patients who are under age 18, without a parent or legal guardian's written consent.
  • Patients discharged who have not given written consent.

*All policies are in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's privacy rule and the American Hospital Association's "Guide for the Release of Information on the Condition of Patients."