Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Center
Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology Center
One of Southern California’s most advanced imaging centers, gives our doctors the tools to provide early diagnosis and more successful treatments.
A team of highly skilled radiologists, technologists and support staff dedicated to exceptional patient care. Our fellowship trained radiologists specialize in interpreting specific imaging studies of the body, allowing an unusual level of expertise.
Our diagnostic center uses leading and state-of-the-art imaging equipment. High speed, multi-slice CT, integrated PET-CT, sodium fluoride PET-CT, and state-of-the-art MRI capabilities are among the imaging technologies used .
A team of highly skilled radiologists, technologists and support staff dedicated to exceptional patient care. Our fellowship trained radiologists specialize in interpreting specific imaging studies of the body, allowing an unusual level of expertise.
With a mission to meet the needs of the community, St. Jude provides diagnostic imaging services, including:
Diagnostic or medical imaging is a powerful tool to help doctors diagnose a condition and plan treatment.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
An MRI is an advanced digital imaging method that uses a harmless magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of body.
This non-invasive procedure is one of the most widely used diagnostic imaging procedures in modern medicine.
Computerized Tomography Scan (CAT/CT)
CT scans use a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce clear images of the body.
Nuclear Studies & Test
Cardiac nuclear imaging provides an accurate look of your hearts blood flow.
An X-ray is a diagnostic procedure that uses invisible beams of energy to produce images of the body’s internal structures, such as tissues, organs and bones.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Our doctors use PET scans to evaluate conditions that other scans can't, including brain disorders and a variety of cancers, and provide targeted treatments and better outcomes for our patients.
To receive copies of your radiology films, you must submit a written, signed, and dated request form. You may download, print and complete the Authorization for Use or Disclosure of Health Information in English or in Spanish.
Mail or FAX your completed request to:
St. Jude Medical Center
Imaging Services
2141 N Harbor Blvd, Suite 16000
Fullerton, CA 92835
Phone: 714-447-6400
Fax: 714-446-5375
You have the option of receiving your CD or films; please indicate your preference on the authorization form. Most requests are completed within 24 hours of receipt of the authorization during normal business hours. In some instances, requests may require additional time to process. Please contact the Imaging Department for fees associated with these requests at 714-447-6400.
When picking up your copies you will be required to show photo identification.
Valid authorization
Radiology films may be released to anyone that the patient authorizes in writing to receive such information. A valid authorization MUST contain the following information:
- Patient’s full name
- Date of birth
- Specific information to be released (i.e. lab report) and the date of service
- Purpose for which the information may be disclosed (continuing care, insurance, disability, personal use)
- To whom the information is to be sent to including the name and address or who will pick up the information
- Specify when the authorization will expire
- Identify if you would like a copy of the authorization
- The patient’s signature or a patient’s legal representative’s signature. Authorizations signed by a representative must include a copy of the durable power of attorney, guardianship etc.
- Date of the signature
- If you have any questions regarding obtaining copies of your films, please contact Imaging Services at 714-992-3132.

Request An Imaging Appointment
St. Jude Medical Center provides patients with advanced imaging technology and a team of highly skilled radiologists, technologists and support staff. Your physician's office will fax a copy of the physician's order to us. We must have your physician's orders prior to scheduling an appointment.