Patient Navigation Support at the Providence Cancer Center
Our focus is on support for the patient and their families throughout the continuum of cancer care. We offer referrals to cancer providers, assistance making informed decisions about treatment options, coordination with providers to improve the care received, help overcoming barriers to care and information on travel, lodging and community support resources to ease the burden of a cancer diagnosis.
These services, many provided at no charge, are made possible through generous donations to the Providence Alaska Foundation. All patients that receive cancer treatment at the Providence Cancer Center will have a navigator assigned to them.
Patient Navigation Support at the Providence Cancer Center
Our focus is on support for the patient and their families throughout the continuum of cancer care. We offer referrals to cancer providers, assistance making informed decisions about treatment options, coordination with providers to improve the care received, help overcoming barriers to care and information on travel, lodging and community support resources to ease the burden of a cancer diagnosis.
These services, many provided at no charge, are made possible through generous donations to the Providence Alaska Foundation. All patients that receive cancer treatment at the Providence Cancer Center will have a navigator assigned to them.
Patient Navigation offers a multi-disciplinary team that provides support to reduce barriers to care for cancer patients and their families:
- Nurses - Guide patients and their families through the health care system, facilitating access to diagnostic and treatment procedures, providing cancer education and information about survivorship, and living well with a cancer diagnosis.
- Social workers - Provide counseling and help patients and families access resources, services and support which can reduce stress and improve coping through all phases of the cancer journey
- Genetic counselor - Available to meet with patients regarding concerns about family history of cancer, inherited cancer risk and testing options.
- Spiritual care - An oncology chaplain offers spiritual care for patients and their families along the continuum of cancer care.
- Clinical dietitian - Trained in oncology nutrition to help patients with nutrition and dietary concerns during and after cancer therapy.
- Financial counselor - Helps patients apply for Providence financial assistance, as well as state and federal programs - cost estimates are also available for treatment at Providence
Our Oncology Social Workers are trained counselors who help patients and families cope with the emotional stresses and practical concerns associated with cancer. Social Work services are provided at no charge to Providence cancer patients and their families.
Services include:
- Be a point of contact for you and your family from diagnosis through the end of treatment.
- Help clarify details of your diagnosis and medical information.
- Help you identify and remove barriers to care.
- Help you understand the roles of your care team and assist in communicating with them.
- Help to review your questions and concerns before doctor appointments to get the most out of your visits.
- Offer counseling to improve coping with cancer and treatment.
- Offer counseling to manage anxiety and depression.
- Assistance with understanding Social Security Disability Assistance with transportation, local housing during treatment, and caregiving.
- Refer you to our cancer support services (social work, resource specialists, support groups, nutrition, integrative medicine, financial support).
- Advance Care Planning: A process for planning and sharing your health care preferences with family and health care providers. This can include assistance in completing an advance directive and identifying someone to speak for you.
The Providence Cancer Center has expanded the Breast Care Boutique for breast cancer surgical patients during their first year of being diagnosed with breast cancer.
Patients who have received a mastectomy, partial mastectomy, or lumpectomy are eligible to receive free post-surgical products on a one-time basis:
- 1 free post-surgical camisole
- 1 free prosthetic-bra
- 1 free prosthetic
To learn more or make an appointment, call 907-212-6870.
Funding for the Breast Care Boutique provided by a grant from the Alaska Run for Women.

Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, may experience hair loss. Patients often consider wearing wigs for this reason, but a good quality wig can be expensive. Fortunately, through generous donors, Providence Cancer Center has a boutique that provides a free wig to patients with cancer-related hair loss who cannot afford to purchase their own. In a private boutique, skilled volunteers and Oncology Navigators assist you in selecting just the right wig.
To learn more or make an appointment, call 907-212-6870.