Family Birth Center
The Family Birth Center at Providence St. Mary Medical Center provides caring support and the comforts of home and in a modern medical facility. We provide complete care throughout pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.
We know that babies seldom arrive on schedule, which is why our expert doctors, nurses and specialists staff our medical facilities and birthing suites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our surgical suites and special care nurseries are available to provide high-level care as needed.
Every year we welcome hundreds of newborns. We love caring for moms, babies and families during this exciting time. You’ll find these and other services here:
- Classes and support groups
- Comprehensive pregnancy care
- Follow-up health care services for mother and baby
- In-room newborn health care and support
- Intermediate care nursery
- Lactation consultation and support
- Pediatrician-guided well-baby care
- Pregnancy and childbirth education and counseling
- Ultrasound
- Vaginal and cesarean deliveries
We’ll take the best possible care of you and your baby. During and after delivery, doctors monitor your infant’s health and tend to any concerns. We won’t take your baby to the nursery unless you ask us to, and we’ll bathe your baby in your room. Parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome to help.
A few days after you go home, you’ll have a free postpartum visit with a nurse to answer any questions and make sure you and baby are doing well.
Certified lactation consultants are at hand during your hospital stay and at home, with follow-up appointments on request.
We have six spacious, well-appointed birthing suites with plenty of natural light and garden views. We offer:
- Anesthesia services 24 hours a day
- Cesarean suite just feet from the labor rooms if needed, with high-level surgery and infant care resources
- Delivery-easing aids such as birth balls and squatting bars, which can help shorten the pushing phase of labor
- Recovery room with access to the Special Care Nursery if needed
- Rocking chairs
- Sofa beds where labor partners can relax or sleep
- Telemetry monitoring that permits free movement and activity during labor
Hospital tours are currently on hold due to COVID-19 precautions. Please enjoy this overview video to learn more about the Family Birth Center in place of an in-person tour.
If your baby needs extra care, you take comfort in knowing that our Special Care Nursery offers care for vulnerable and premature babies born at 35 weeks’ gestation through full term.
Highly skilled doctors and specialists staff the advanced, fully equipped facility. We also offer tele-NICU consultations with neonatologists, should your newborn’s care provider choose. Our nursery offers close observation, medical care and prompt surgical or emergency care if needed.
Your doctor and specialists work together to take the best possible care of you and your child throughout pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.
Your team may include these experts and others as needed:
- Anesthesiologists
- Family practice doctors
- Lactation consultants
- Obstetrician-gynecologists
- Pediatricians
- Registered nurses
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of such an important and special time in your life.
Please see below for answers to frequently asked questions about the labor and delivery experience at Providence St. Mary Medical Center.
View current visitation guidelines for PSMMC
View current visitation guidelines for PSMMC
Non-pharmacological options, IV medication and access to anesthesiologist services for epidurals are available 24/7.
Enter through the east entrance (main hospital entrance next to the emergency department) between 7 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. on weekends. After hours, enter through the emergency department to the left of the main entrance. Parking is accessible from Poplar Street or 5th Avenue.
You should expect to stay 48 hours after a healthy vaginal delivery or c-section. Your stay may be extended if you or your infant require additional nursing or medical support/care.
Everything you need for your labor, delivery and post-partum stay will be provided for you by the Family Birth Center. To make your stay more comfortable, we suggest bringing your own personal toiletries, towel, and some favorite snacks. You may leave your infant's car seat in the car until the day of discharge.
Your infant car seat should be installed and safety-checked by a nationally certified car seat technician in advance of your delivery. To make an appointment with a certified car seat technician, please contact:
Ruben Hernandez, Injury Prevention Program Coordinator | Walla Walla County Department of Community Health
Phone: 509-524-4425 | Email: rhernandez@co.walla-walla.wa.us
In-room meal service is available to both patients and guests. Your support person/visitors may order from the room service menu via cash or credit card payment. (Patient meals do not require payment.)
Yes! All RNs in Family Birth Center are trained in lactation education and support and are available to assist those mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies. In addition, a certified lactation consultant is staffed on the unit Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm and will check on you and your baby after your delivery. Lactation consultants are also available by appointment. To schedule, call Family Birth Center at 509-897-2380.
Classes and Support Groups
We offer many opportunities to learn more and meet friends through support groups and educational sessions.
This group welcomes all mothers, especially those with infants. Hosted by an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant ® (IBCLC ®) Registered Nurse who provides on-site lactation coaching and breastfeeding resources. An infant scale allows you to check your baby’s growth as well as milk intake before and after feeding.
Parking available on Birch Street and behind Birthright, though all participants must enter through the front door of the building.
This come-and-go class meets every Monday from 9 a.m. - 12 noon at Birthright of Walla Walla, 609 W. Birch Street.
We offer a variety of online classes to help you prepare for delivery and parenthood, including courses on childbirth, breastfeeding, fathering, and infant safety and CPR.
Medicaid/ProviderOne is accepted as payment for many classes but registration is required.
Free Pregnancy and Parenting App
Circle® is a free pregnancy and parenting app that provides useful health resources, top-notch pregnancy calculator and tools to help track ovulation, weight, blood pressure, and vaccinations. Enjoy easy access to program information, services and classes, too! Plus, when you connect to MyChart through Circle, you'll receive appointment reminders for you and your children. Learn more about the Circle app.