Experience comfort and safety at our Family Maternity Center

Call us at 425-258-7550 to learn more.

Family Maternity Center

Pavilion for Women and Children
2004.9 miles away
24 hours a day, seven days a week

Family Maternity Center

24 hours a day, seven days a week
Pavilion for Women and Children
2004.9 miles away
Let’s Plan Together

When you choose an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN) to be your partner through pregnancy and delivery, we’ll help you create a birth plan that fits your preferences. We respect and honor your plan–understanding that preferences and safety concerns can change throughout your pregnancy and right up to delivery day.

Developing a birth plan is easier with an OB-GYN who listens to you, understands you, and shares in your decision-making. Need help finding an OB to fit your personality and preferences? Take this list of questions with you to your first appointment to help you find an OB-GYN partner who’s right for you.

View the Guide

A Modern Labor and Delivery Approach

When you go into labor, you can expect the same level of supportive, compassionate, and safe care you’ve received throughout your pregnancy. We’ll respect your birth plan, and you’ll be able to choose when and if pain medication will be used. Your labor and delivery experience will be based on your preferences and what is safest for you and your baby at the time of delivery.

Most babies can be born with very little medical help, and that’s good news because when we minimize surgical intervention, we help ensure a safer delivery. We’ll monitor your health and the health of your baby during the labor and birthing process. Unless necessary, we’ll work with you to avoid common interventions like inducing labor or episiotomy to help prevent dangerous complications that can delay healing.

Lower Risk. Higher Confidence.

At the same time, we know every birth is different, as is every new mom. If you choose an epidural for pain relief–even if you change your mind from your birth plan–we will honor your request when it’s safe to do. You are in charge of your birth experience, and that means easing your discomfort. 

Let’s Start this Journey Together

If you’re ready for an outstanding pregnancy experience, start by choosing an OB-GYN who will be a good fit for you and will prioritize your safety. It’s so important to find someone who listens to you, doesn't pressure you, and gets you–both your head and your heart.

It’s your pregnancy. Let Providence be your partner. 

You’re excited … and so are we! At Providence Family Maternity Center, we welcome more than 4,800 babies into the world each year, and we can’t wait to meet yours, too.

Our Family-Centered approach to care provides a nurturing environment for growing families and is designed to ensure that we are providing the safest care and environment for you and your newborn.

In the Providence birth center, we offer 59 patient rooms with a bathroom and large tub. We also provide a sofa for your support person and birth balls to help facilitate labor. Two cesarean birth operating rooms are centrally located for necessary C-sections and more challenging deliveries. If your baby needs specialized medical attention, our Level III NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) stands ready to provide state-of-the-art care.

Take a virtual tour

Welcome to Providence Women's and Children Pavilion. Watch our virtual tour to learn more about the services offered and amenities we provide to ensure the safest care in a nurturing environment.

Maternity and birthing

Nothing is more important to us than your health and the safe delivery of your baby. Whether your pregnancy is simple or complex, our experienced providers and staff will take excellent care of you. We offer a full spectrum of maternity and birthing services, including:

Breastfeeding support services

We support all feeding preferences and are here to help. Our experienced, board-certified lactation nurses are here to help you establish and promote exclusive breastfeeding, adequate milk supply and to identify and correct any issues or barriers to breastfeed your baby successfully. Our lactation consultants are here to support you during your hospital stay and after you go home.

Neonatal intensive care unit

We know how terrifying it is if your baby is born prematurely or has serious medical issues. At Providence, we offer highly-specialized care in our Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Providence Regional Medical Center.

Our NICU, operated in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital, provides the most intensive level of care north of Seattle for critically ill or unstable newborns. Our neonatal nurse practitioners and other specialists are on site 24/7.

The unit features 29 private single-patient rooms and three double rooms for twins. All the rooms in our NICU are designed to accommodate you and your family so that you may participate actively in your baby’s care.

Birth certificate and Social Security information

During your hospital stay, you'll receive forms for a birth certificate and a Social Security number for your newborn. Learn more about these important documents.

We offer a variety of classes to help you prepare for delivery and parenthood, including courses on childbirth, breastfeeding, fathering, infant safety and infant CPR.

Register by selecting a class below or call 206-386-2502.

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Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of death among infants between 1 month and 1 year of age.

Creating a safe sleep environment

To help protect your baby once you get home:

  • Keep your baby in your room at night, but in the baby’s own safety-approved crib or bassinet - never your bed
  • Always put your baby on their back for sleep
  • Avoid putting pillows, blankets, toys or other items in your baby’s bed
  • Avoid putting your baby to sleep on furniture such as couches or chairs
  • Don’t routinely allow your baby to sleep in bouncy seats, infant carriers, swings or strollers.
  • Don’t use sleep positioners, like foam wedges or tubes, with your baby
  • Keep your baby away from all smoke
  • Make sure your baby gets regular checkups, and follow the doctor’s recommendations
  • Prevent your baby from overheating during sleep

Most people understand, and a wealth of scientific evidence shows, that breast milk is the best possible source of nutrition for infants – especially babies born prematurely or with a low birth weight. Mother’s milk offers babies very important health benefits, including lower incidence of asthma, allergies, severe lower respiratory tract infections, childhood leukemia, SIDS and many other diseases.

What happens when the mother of a baby can't breastfeed, or can't produce the amount of milk her baby needs?

Sharing the wealth with breast milk donations

There is an alternative to baby formula that is far more nutritious: milk from a human milk bank. A donor milk bank is a service established to collect, screen, process and distribute donated human milk. Donor milk banks accept milk from lactating mothers who have undergone careful screening, similar to the way blood banks screen donors. The milk is donated to a central milk bank for processing, then is made available for purchase by hospitals and individuals for feeding sick and fragile infants.

Consider donating your extra milk to help sick and fragile infants. The Human Milk Depot at Providence Regional can help send your milk where it is needed most.

If you meet the requirements below or need more information, give us a call at 425-258-7140. We will guide you through the screening and donation process.

Donor requirements
  • Donor's baby is less than one year old
  • Is in good health
  • English or Spanish speaking
  • Non-smoker and no use of any nicotine products
  • Negative blood test for viruses (prenatal results are not used)
  • Using no medications during the time milk is collected for donation, except:
    • Vitamins and minerals, food supplements
    • Progestin-only birth control
    • Replacement hormones: insulin, thyroid
  • All donors have small amount of blood drawn, free of charge

For more information about human milk banking in the United States, visit hmbana.org.

Find a Doctor

At Providence, you'll have access to a vast network of dedicated and compassionate providers who offer personalized care by focusing on treatment, prevention and health education.


U.S. News & World Report - High Performing Hospital in Maternity (2025)

Circle® by Providence

Free Pregnancy and Parenting App

Circle® is a free pregnancy and parenting app that provides useful health resources, top-notch pregnancy calculator and tools to help track ovulation, weight, blood pressure, and vaccinations. Enjoy easy access to program information, services and classes, too! Plus, when you connect to MyChart through Circle, you'll receive appointment reminders for you and your children. Learn more about the Circle app.

Download now

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