Patient & Family Advisory Council

To better understand the needs of our patients and their families, we are inviting former patients and their family members to join the Patient and Family Advisory Council.

Our mission for the Patient and Family Advisory Council is to actively engage patients and families as partners with Healdsburg Hospital, in support of our philosophy of Patient and Family Centered Care.

The Council seeks to enhance the delivery of care by providing a collaborative vehicle of communication between families and hospital staff to improve the health care experience. The Council exemplifies our hopes for Healdsburg Hospital to continue to maintain and enhance the level of healthcare services our community has come to rely upon.

The goals of the Advisory Council are:

  • Provide a vital link between Healdsburg Hospital and the community
  • Provide supportive channels of communication between families and hospital staff
  • Provide input and feedback on delivery of services for patients and their families
  • Review issues referred to the Patient and Family Advisory Council and provide recommendations
  • Provide input regarding new and existing program development
  • Promote an environment offering excellent and safe health care through collaboration of families and staff.

We are looking for members to support Healdsburg Hospital’s endeavor to ensure we have patient and family perspectives and insights to enhance our delivery of quality and compassionate care to our patients and community.

If you are interested in being considered as a member or would like more information regarding our Patient and Family Advisory Council, please fill out an Intake Questionnaire today:

Intake Questionnaire: