Providence Bridge Pedal and Stride

A Celebration of Bicycling, Portland and the Willamette River Bridges

Join your friends and neighbors for Portland's premier summer event. Providence Bridge Pedal is the one opportunity each year to bike on Portland’s car-free streets and bridges, including the upper decks of both the Marquam and Fremont bridges and I-405.

For a few very special hours on Sunday morning, Aug. 10, you can enjoy views from the Cascades to the West Hills from the remarkable vantage points of downtown Portland’s Interstate highway bridges.

Providence Bridge Pedal offers options for everyone. Young and old. Experienced cyclists and novices. Walkers are welcome, too. Providence Bridge Stride is a 5-mile walk that includes crossing the Fremont Bridge.

Fremont Express

Enjoy sunrise from on top of the Fremont Bridge before starting your ride. You can bike up onto the Fremont as early as 6 a.m. The views of the Willamette River and downtown Portland as the sun rises over the Cascades are spectacular. Fremont Express riders begin as early as 7 a.m. with a rush through town on I-405 and across the Marquam Bridge.

Learn More About the Fremont Express
2025 Stride

Bridge Stride

Do you prefer walking to biking. Join us for Bridge Stride, a 5-mile walk that includes crossing the Fremont Bridge with its spectacular views of the Willamette River, downtown Portland, the West Hills and the Cascades. Bridge Stride starts and finishes with the other events in downtown Portland.

Kids Pedal

Kids Pedal is a free, 3-mile ride for children 12 years old and younger. The route crosses the Hawthorne and Steel bridges and finishes with the other Providence Bridge Pedal events. Parents and others are welcome to ride in Kids Pedal as long as they are chaperoned by a younger cyclist. Kids Pedal is free, but registration is required.

2025 Kids Pedal
Bicyclists at Providence Bridge Pedal

6 Bridge Challenge

For more experienced young cyclists, there is the 6-Bridge Challenge. Any child who completes Providence Bridge Pedal's Family Ride, Main Ride or the Fremont Express  will be rewarded at the finish line.