COHE Forms & Resource Links
Clinical Occupational Health Best Practices
An efficient job aid for providers, support staff, medical records, billing and administrators as a quick glance guide describing each step of the Occupational Health Best Practices in a clinic setting.
An efficient job aid for providers, support staff, medical records, billing and administrators as a quick glance guide describing each step of the Occupational Health Best Practices in a ED setting.
The APF is to be completed by the COHE provider on initial and follow-up visit when the injured worker has not returned to full duty. Completion of this form allows COHE providers to receive enhanced fees using billing code 1073M.
Guide: Barriers to Return-to-Work
Providers use the checklist as a guide to assist in evaluation of patients who are at risk of long term disability, on time loss, or when a light duty Return-to-Work (RTW) attempt was not successful.
A helpful reference for for medical providers interested in more resources about Return to Work best practices.
Employer Job Description Form
An L&I form to be completed by employer of record to describe tasks and physical demands for restricted/modified duty jobs to facilitate return-to-work. Provider completes second page when presented by employer, employer representative, claim manager or vocational rehabilitation counselor.