Support Groups

St. Luke’s free monthly support groups provide a supportive, caring environment for discussing important topics, sharing experiences and learning from others. Our current support groups meet virtually and include: 

How to join a virtual support group

Send us an email and request a link to join a support group virtually.

  • Please include the name of the virtual support group you wish to attend
  • Please make your request at least 48 hours prior to the next support group meeting

You will receive an email with additional information and instructions on how to join.


Call 509-473-6681 for registration help, or more information on our support groups.

Amputee Support Group

    11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
    Monthly, every third Tuesday

This group provides an opportunity to meet people, share experiences and concerns, enjoy special speakers and discuss topics important to amputees. People with amputations as well as friends and families are welcome to attend.

Brain Injury Support Group

    3 - 4 p.m. 
    Monthly, every fourth Tuesday

Join us in a support group focused on injury adjustment, connection to community resources and meeting other survivors of brain injury.

Spinal Cord Injury Support Group

    1 - 2 p.m.
    Monthly, every fourth Wednesday

Meet other individuals with spinal cord injuries, share experiences, participate in social activities and inquire about new medical advances and therapies for SCI-related issues.

Stroke Support Group

    3 - 4 p.m.
    Monthly, every third Thursday

Gain education and peer support in this support group for stroke survivors, family, friends and caregivers. This group also provides an avenue for social networking and an opportunity for special events.

Privacy Statement

Laws that protect privacy and confidentiality of medical information, which generally include personal identifiable information, also apply to the use of telecommunications technology used to deliver patient health-related support groups and education. Personal information shared by any member of this support group is considered confidential, but not considered protected information. Support group hosts have taken steps to protect patient information by limiting participation to only those who have registered through St Luke’s. Care should be taken by all participants to join these meetings from a private location and use personal listening devices like a headset or ear buds if in a less private location. Possible risks associated with participation in this program include connectivity and information security issues associated with using your personal device on the internet. If you have any questions or concerns regarding participation in this virtual support group, please call 509-473-6681.