Physician Advisors

A list of our advisors, including specialty, practice location and contact information can be found in the physician advisors list. If you are a COHE provider contacting an advisor, please indicate that you are utilizing them in their role as an advisor to ensure appropriate protocols and appropriate billing.
If you are unsure as to the best plan of care for your patient, or whether a referral to an advisor would be appropriate, your local health services coordinator (HSC) is available to assist.
Both referring providers and advisors are eligible for reimbursement when a claim is referred to an advisor for:
- Case conference to coordinate medical care
- Both providers complete a conference report and bill appropriate CPT code
- Completing an Impediments to return to work assessment (a COHE best practice)
- Referring provider bills 1070M code after referral
- Advisor bills 1067M code (with varying modifier based on complexity) after assessment
More information on billing codes and reimbursement rates can be found on the COHE fee schedule or by contacting your local HSC.
We are constantly looking for additional advisors to serve the provider communities in Eastern Washington. For more information,call your local HSC representative or send us an email.
Physician advisors do not contract directly with COHE, but submit a supplemental application to L&I for approval as an advisor.