Sleep Disorders Center
Accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the Sleep Disorders Center (SDC) at St. Joseph Hospital is dedicated to providing relief and sleep wellness to all patients.
The Sleep Disorders Center offers comprehensive, long-term sleep care for patients. Through extensive sleep studies and sleep education, the SDC is able to provide optimal treatments for your sleep needs, all in a comfortable and enriching environment.
With careful sleep studies and tests, the comprehensive team of sleep specialists at the SDC are able to evaluate symptoms and provide treatment for sleep issues such as:
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Difficulty staying asleep
- Daytime sleepiness (fatigue)
- Snoring
- Breathing problems in sleep
- Restless leg syndrome
- Sleep terrors
The Sleep Disorders Center makes use of eight private, comfortable sleep rooms and a state-of-the-art monitoring center to provide the latest in sleep health diagnoses and treatments. These services include:
- Sleep consultations
- Sleep studies
- Titration studies (CPAP)
- Polysomnogram studies
- Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)
- Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)
As an outpatient, you will not be required to stay 24 hours, but because the test requires that your breathing patterns be observed at night, you will be spending the entire night at the Sleep Center.
Tips for a Successful Visit:
- Allow an extra 10 minutes for parking and checking in at the Sleep Center. If a translator is needed, please let us know in advance so that arrangements may be made for one to be present.
- When you arrive, please use the East entrance (facing Bush Street). As you approach the doors, you will see two keypads to the right. You will use the one nearest the door which says "TRIGON" at the top. Press the red "CALL" button and dial "403". The technologist will answer and give you instructions on entering the building and reaching the suite. This procedure will be reviewed during your confirmation call.
- You will be met by the Polysomnography Technologist who will be conducting your sleep study. Sensors will be attached to your skin surface to monitor your brain waves, heartbeat, respirations, and body movements while you sleep. You will, however, be free to move about the laboratory, e.g., use the restroom or watch television before you retire. The technologist will be present throughout the entire study.
- In order to confirm the date and time of your sleep study, we will contact you 1-2 days prior to the scheduled date.
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