Family Maternity Center
One in five Oregonians begins their life at a Providence facility. Our family-centered approach to childbirth includes personalized care from experts who are dedicated to the health and wellbeing of the entire family.
We want to make this a special experience for you and your family. Your care team works closely with you to meet your needs and keep you informed about the progress of your care.
After you deliver, we teach you how to care for, feed and comfort your newborn. We support you as you learn about your baby's behaviors and sleep and wake cycles. Our registered nurses are experts at helping with breastfeeding and we have internationally board-certified lactation consultants (IBCLCs) who help if needed.
Self-care is equally important. Your body undergoes many changes during pregnancy and birth. We help you learn to care for your postpartum body and know what to expect as you recover. Some things we cover include:
- Recovering from a vaginal or C-section delivery
- Familiarizing you with post-birth warning signs
- Nipple care and breast changes
- Bladder care
- Bowels and hemorrhoids
- Postpartum depression
- Diet and nutrition
- Preparing to go home
We are prepared for all your questions as you get ready to care for yourself and your newborn at home.
Your delivery is supported by a team of providers dedicated to meeting your needs. Our team includes registered nurses, perinatologists, obstetricians, neonatologists, certified nurse midwives, family practice physicians, certified nurse anesthetists, lactation consultants and social workers. Many of our nurses hold national certification in the area of childbirth and lactation.
Sometimes pregnancies and babies require specialized care. Our services include a neonatal intensive care unit and a perinatal special care unit for babies or people whose pregnancies need special care. When an unexpected hospitalization is needed, our team of registered nurses, perinatologists and social workers are ready to meet your needs.
During birth, you are supported by your team of providers, nurses, and support people. You are at the center of this team – it is your body and your birth.
We are a TeamBirth hospital, which means the care you receive matches your preferences. One of the ways we accomplish this is through TeamBirth huddles.
TeamBirth huddles are times when your care team comes together, either in person or over the phone, to give all team members the opportunity to talk at key points in your care.
- Who: you, your provider, your nurse and your support person(s).
- What: You and your care team talk about your preferences, your care plans, and when you will huddle next.
- When: Huddles happen at admission, for decisions or changes in the plan of care, or when any team member asks for one. We encourage you and your support people to ask any of our caregivers for a huddle. If you do not feel like you can speak up for any reason, ask your support person or the team member you trust the most to help speak up for you.
Your care changes as labor goes on. Think about how your team can help you by sharing information or giving you support to feel good about changes and decisions.
- You know your body and your preferences. You have the most important voice in the room. You can choose the role you want in decision-making, but no matter your role, you should always share what you know about your body and how you are feeling with your team.
- Your nurse knows how to support you and your labor. They are by your side through most of your labor; they suggest what could be most helpful for you based on your care so far.
- Your provider knows about the pros and cons of different choices. Most of the time, providers guide the team to make decisions together, but there will be times where providers may need to make quick decisions for you or your baby’s safety.
- Your support person(s) can provide physical, emotional, and mental support, as well as help advocate for you during labor. Discuss with your support person(s) how you want them to help. If you do not know anyone who you want to support you in labor, ask your provider about who else could be there for you for your birth.
How is your labor going? How much energy do you have? What feels good for your body? What doesn’t?
- ASK: If you need your team to hear what you know about your body or share more of what they know with you: I know you see this every day, but this feels different (or frightening) for me. Can you help me understand why I am feeling this way and if there is anything we should worry about?
What matters to you in your labor? Who do you want supporting you? What will make you feel comfortable right now?
- ASK: If your preferences have changed: I feel different now, and have different preferences for my labor. What options do we have to change the care plan to match what I want now?
- ASK: If your care plan does not match with your preferences: This is important to me. Can you help me understand why this may not be possible right now?
You have the right to know all your options for care. How are you and your baby doing? What choices do you have for your care? What are the pros and cons for each one?
- ASK: If you need to be more clear about your care plan or choices: I would like more information about my choices. What are the pros and cons of this plan? What are the other choices we could consider? What would happen if we do nothing instead?
- ASK: If you want to ask for more time to labor: I am still feeling good, and I would like to keep laboring if possible. Can you help me understand the reason why you recommend delivery? Are there any options we could consider to give me more time?
- ASK: If you want to know more about what to expect next in your labor: How are my baby and I doing right now? What can I expect next? When should I be concerned?
Tours are not available in person. We invite you to view the virtual tour slideshow below or register for one of our upcoming Maternity Orientation Classes:
Each room has a:
- Private bathroom
- Bed for you and baby
- Couch for your support person
- Phone and TV
Every labor room is equipped for a safe, vaginal birth. If you need a cesarean section, you are taken to a nearby surgery suite where our team provides safe care that promotes immediate bonding with your baby. You will likely recover in a labor room afterwards with your support person and baby.
Our registered nurses are trained to support all birth requests and natural expectations. They provide one-on-one nursing care while in active labor. You can select from multiple pain-management options. Some examples include:
- Epidurals
- Using a birthing ball
- Laboring in a Jacuzzi tub
- Using a squat bar
After the birth of your baby, a special time referred to as Baby Time is offered. This time, immediately following birth, facilitates skin-to-skin, fosters the first breastfeeding experience, and promotes bonding with your baby.
Following your recovery period, you and baby are moved to our Mother Baby Unit where you are cared for throughout the remainder of your stay. Registered nurses check in regularly to ensure all your needs are met. During this special time, your baby stays with you in your room. Screenings for baby will take place in your room or in a dedicated procedural room.
Families who deliver at Providence receive a follow-up appointment at Providence Mother and Baby Clinic. This appointment is scheduled before you go home from the hospital. During this appointment, an internationally board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) provides a brief physical exam to assess how well you are healing and evaluate your baby’s feeding, check weight gain and screen for jaundice. They also provide help with breastfeeding and answer your questions. Breast pump rentals, breast-feeding supplies and additional professional support are also available. Our team works closely with both you and your baby’s doctors to make sure there is a smooth transition from hospital to home.
This specialized unit cares for patients with high-risk conditions who require care before and after birth. Not everyone visits this unit. Those who benefit from care on the PSCU may stay for several days, weeks, or months, before or after their baby is born.
Babies born too soon (premature) or with serious challenges often require care in a neonatal intensive care unit, or NICU. We have an onsite NICU at Providence St. Vincent where experts work around the clock to help get your newest family member healthy and home as quickly as possible.
Our registered nurses are skilled in lactation support. If additional assistance is needed, our IBCLCs are available. We encourage breastfeeding and understand this is a personal decision. Our goal is to help create a successful feeding plan to give every baby a healthy start.
While in the hospital, you may select your meals. Juice, coffee, milk and fruit are available in our maternity units. Your support person receives meal vouchers. Visitors may purchase beverages, snacks or meals from the hospital coffee shops or cafeteria and bring those items back to the maternity unit.
Congratulations! This is a very exciting time in your life. To help with your questions, the resources below give information on Providence services, childbirth and parenting classes, tips on selecting a provider for your baby, information on our breastfeeding clinics and more.
- Circle by Providence App: We encourage you to download our free parenting and pregnancy app ahead of your delivery. Before you go home from the hospital, we review the app together and share helpful and important resources.
- Your birthing plan
- Breastfeeding support and supplies after you have returned home
- Childbirth preparation classes
- Maternity orientation classes
- Providence Beginnings
- Pastoral care and support
Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby! The day you take your newborn home is exciting – and probably a little scary. You’ll have lots of questions during the days and months ahead. This page contains a lot of information, but it is not meant as a substitute for professional medical care. If you have questions or concerns, talk with your care provider.
- Circle by Providence App: We encourage you to download our free parenting and pregnancy app ahead of your delivery. Before you go home from the hospital, we review the app together and share helpful and important resources.
- All about your newborn
- Children’s services
- Parenting classes and new moms groups
- Paternity affidavit information
- Preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Learn about becoming a breastmilk donor
- Learn about ordering donor breastmilk
- Birth certificate: You will receive and be asked to complete this form during your hospital stay. If you would like, you can complete this form and bring it with you to your delivery. Here are ways to order your child’s birth certificate after you return home.
Deciding what type of care your want for your pregnancy and beyond is a personal choice. Providence offers several options to meet your unique needs – and all offer you a lifetime of care.
- Board-certified
- Surgically trained so they are able to perform C-sections and other procedures when necessary
- Able to care for high-risk pregnancies
- Coordinate your pregnancy and postpartum care with a team of patient navigators and social workers
- Offer family-centered maternity care
- Partner with OB-GYNs when needed
- Provide primary care for every member of your family, including newborns
- Board-certified
- Partner with OB-GYNs when needed
- Coordinate your pregnancy and postpartum care with a team of patient navigators, social workers and an OB-GYN
- Offers group visits with patient (and partners) at similar stages in pregnancy
Free Pregnancy and Parenting App
Circle® is a free pregnancy and parenting app that provides useful health resources, top-notch pregnancy calculator and tools to help track ovulation, weight, blood pressure, and vaccinations. Enjoy easy access to program information, services and classes, too! Plus, when you connect to MyChart through Circle, you'll receive appointment reminders for you and your children. Learn more about the Circle app.