Children, Teen & Family Program

We offer a variety of support services for children, teens & their families who have experienced the death of a family member or friend, in both English & Spanish. Counseling & Play Therapy, Groups, Workshops & Events focus on helping families navigate through:

  • Understanding the facts and accepting the reality of the death.
  • Experiencing and learning to tolerate the emotions of grief.
  • Adjusting to the changes in the family and environment.
  • Continuing the relationship in a new way with the one who had died.

Individual & Family Counseling & Play Therapy
Our highly skilled counselors and interns are available to meet one-on-one and as a family to support your child through art, play & talking.

Grief Groups for Children, Teens & Their Families
Grief groups for elementary, middle and high school students are created when enough students are available to participate. Contact us for more information.

Annual Events

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
This event celebrates the Mexican Holiday and children and families are encouraged to attend add a photo or object to the community altar. A children’s craft room is created where families can decorate sugar skulls, make masks and paper flowers and enjoy other activities to honor their person who has died. This event is held at Memorial Hospice in November.

Light up a Life
A community gathering during the holiday time to light the tree, sing songs, enjoy cocoa and feel the connection to others who have experienced a death. This event offered in all three cities.