Patient & Family Advisory Council

To better understand the needs of our patients and their families, we are inviting former patients and their family members to become a patient and family advisor.

Patient and family advisors are valued partners who may:

  • Share stories about their hospital experience in training sessions for nurses, doctors and other hospital staff.
  • Help to create materials and plans that enhance the health care experience for all.
  • Provide input on how to enhance our policies and care practices.
  • Give feedback about their hospital stay.
  • Let us know what went well and what we can do better.

We are looking for members to support Providence Santa Rosa Memorial’s endeavor to ensure we have patient and family perspectives and insights to enhance our delivery of quality and compassionate care to our patients and community.

Who Can Be a Patient and Family Advisor?

You can be an advisor if you or a family member received care at Providence Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital in the last five years.

You do not need any special qualifications to be an advisor. What’s most important is your experience as a patient or family member. We will provide you with any other training needed.

If you are interested in being considered as a member or would like more information regarding our Patient and Family Advisory Council, please fill out the intake questionnaire.

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