Pre-Registration Centers
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Pre-Registration Centers
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Covenant Health’s Pre-Registration Centers are designed to make the day of surgery more convenient for patients and their families. Upon entering a center, patients are greeted by nurses, admitting clerks and other staff who provide friendly service in a relaxed, comfortable setting.
Any patient scheduled for an elective surgery at Covenant Medical Center can come to a center to:
- Complete paperwork and consent forms
- Complete lab tests
- Receive imaging services and/or health assessments prior to surgery
A nurse at the center will spend time with each patient to explain the upcoming procedure, make sure the patient knows where to go on the day of surgery and answer any questions.
To make the registration process even easier, simply download the patient health history form and bring the completed form with you to the Pre-Registration Center.
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