
Real-time admissions, consultations, and coverage.
With immediate access to experienced care providers, Providence TeleHospitalists can expedite the time from diagnosis to treatment. Services include the initial patient exam, electronic medical record reporting, and virtual rounds to monitor the patient.
More than 60% of ED patients are seen between 7:00 pm and midnight. This makes nighttime coverage crucial to patient outcomes, star ratings, and financial performance. The Providence TeleHospitalist program is an efficient way to manage resources and maintain local patient-needed care at all hours. TeleHospitalist coverage balances workload, provides at-the-ready support for RN teams while alleviating provider burnout and achieves a staffing supply/demand equilibrium.
Quality |
Access |
Value |
Experience |
Proven Outcomes
Providence partners have experienced:
- +40% increases in Average Daily Census
- +50% decreases in transfers
- Increased revenues
- Greater adherence to evidence-based protocols
- Less staff burn-out & stress
- More patient and staff satisfaction