About Us

We believe everyone deserves convenient access to exceptional health care on their terms. From the ability to book an appointment seven days a week, 365 days a year to easy billing and compassionate care. That’s why Covenant Health is proud to bring ExpressCare Virtual to our patients in Texas and New Mexico.

We’re an extension of your medical care team and want to ensure your care is coordinated, frictionless and easy. Don’t have a physician? We can take care of whatever you need right now and get you connected to one of our more than nearly 100 primary care physicians for follow up care.

With 6 hospitals, hundreds of physician clinics, and many other health services across west Texas and eastern New Mexico, Covenant is uniquely positioned to help you through every stage of your health care journey. ExpressCare Virtual is the newest way to access our connected network and is designed to help you navigate our complex health system.