For Health Care Professionals

Access frequently-used external websites, including Kronos, the HR Portal, ProvConnect, Success Factors, Webmail and more.
Please refer to your local ministry intranet site for detailed employee information, and let your manager know if you need help or have questions.

The Providence Spokane Admit Transfer Center is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by specially trained RNs/patient flow managers for all patient transfer arrangements.
Phone: 509-474-2000*
Outside Spokane: 877-323-5055
Fax: 509-474-4773
A nurse will arrange transportation, admit and place your patient. If needed, they will connect you with an admitting physician at Sacred Heart or Holy Family, and provide updates every 15 minutes until the patient is placed in a bed.
*Note: These numbers are to be used by medical professionals only. Call 911 if you are having an emergency.
Confidentiality and privacy are important to all our patients – including your friends, coworkers and family members – and a responsibility we take very seriously. Please use your Epic ‘in-basket’ only for communications among treatment team members; inadvertent use may give access to the full patient medical record and result in a HIPAA violation.
As it has for many years, Medical Staff policy follows the AMA recommendation that physicians not self-treat or treat family members.
- Medical Staff Bylaws - Holy Family Hospital/Sacred Heart Medical Center
- Medical Staff Screening and Immunization Policy
- Student Observers - Medical Staff Policy
- View all Medical Staff Policies
- Medical staff Scope of Services/Privileges
- Privilege Verification Policy
- Locum Tenens (LT) Policy
- Medical Record Completion and Suspension Policy
The Providence Community Technologies team supports independent hospitals and provider clinics looking for affordable, comprehensive, proven and supported health care technology products and services.
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- Chain of Command
- Code of Conduct
- Confidentiality Guidelines for Credentialed Staff
- Conflict of Interest
- Disaster Credentialing
- Emergency Department On-Call Coverage
- Epic Guidelines - Telephone/Verbal Orders
- Epic - Required Use
- Epic - Training Requirements
- Exemption From Call
- Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
- Foreign Observers
- Gifts, Gratuities & Non-monetary Compensation
- Hospital Practitioner Reporting Requirements
- ICU Consultation (Adult)
- Immunization Policy
- Influenza Immunization
- Locum Tenens
- Medical Records Completion and Suspension
- Medical Students within Providence - Eastern Washington
- Medication Assistance Program
- Ongoing Monitoring
- Ordering Outpatient Tests & Treatments - Non-staff Practitioners
- Peer Review
- Privileging - Critical Care Need
- Privileging - New Procedures
- Proctoring, Observing, Precepting Surgical & Procedural Skills
- Resident Scope of Practice
- Resident Moonlighting
- Responses to Requests for Observation Review of Patient Care Skills Provided by Outside Sources
- Self-Treatment or Treatment of Immediate Family Members
- Student Observers
- Taped Consent
- Termination of Physician/Patient Relationship - Holy Family Hospital
- Termination of Physician/Patient Relationship - Sacred Heart Medical Center
- Verbal Orders in Epic
- Verification of Privileges
- Verification of Identity
- Wellness/Impairment
- Bylaws of Providence Spokane Unified Medical Staff
Providence is committed to offer continuing medical education (CME) that improves physician competence, performance and patient outcomes.
Our Spokane CME Program utilizes established adult education theories and multiple delivery formats, ensuring high quality activities that meet your learning needs, and effective teaching methods for a diverse audience of medical staff and allied health professionals.
In addition, joint sponsorship is provided to support other organizations to provide Category 1 CME credit for educational activities that meet the Providence CME Mission.
Please contact our CME Program Coordinator:
Alan Hirayama, MS, MBA
Phone: 509-392-5464
Send an Email
Please contact our Continuing Professional Development Event Planning Team:
Every four years at the time of renewal physicians must report 200 hours of CME. Failure to report CME may render a license renewal invalid. See WAC 246-919-430
Physicians should retain CME 1 certificates as proof of attendance and credits earned for four years.
Your signature is proof that you attended a CME activity. If you are a PHS employee, your employee number assists us in verifying your signature to ensure that you receive proper credit.
Education for health care professionals only. Our Spokane Medicine Grand Rounds is a monthly CME-accredited lecture series that is primarily aimed at the internal medicine hospitalists and other inpatient clinicians at Sacred Heart and Holy Family hospitals, and also enjoys a collaborative relationship with the internal medicine residency training program based at Sacred Heart.
These presentations are also available via Northwest TeleHealth (contact your local site coordinator for details), and MediaSite - live or post-event (CME is available for live viewers only). Call Shelley, 509-474-3260 for details.
The mix of local physician and outside speakers are sponsored by the IMR Spokane Visiting Professor Lectureship, with support from Providence Inland Northwest Foundation.
12:15 - 1:15 p.m. via Microsoft Teams. For an invitation, contact Shelley Barclift.
Providence Health Care is accredited by the Washington State Medical Association CME Accreditation Committee to sponsor continuing medical education activities for physicians.
Providence Health Care designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 1 hours in Category I to satisfy the re-licensure requirements of the Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission.
Providence Health Care designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
CME Category 1 Credit available.
Surgery, Pediatric and Orthopedic Trauma M&M case reviews for health care providers.
- Held 6-8 a.m. every third Thursday of each month
Avista Classroom, Sacred Heart Medical Center
Call 509-474-4567 for more information.
- Meets 9-10 a.m. every fourth Tuesday of the month (except December)
Fred Cox Boardroom, Sacred Heart Medical Center
Call 509-474-5445 for more information. This series is also available via Northwest TeleHealth, and currently connects to Anchorage, Boise, Portland and Seattle.
- Meets 7-8 a.m. the third Thursday of every other month (March, May, July, September and November)
Sacred Heart Children's Hospital Administrative Boardroom
Call 509-474-3343 for more information.
- Meets 7-8 a.m. the third Tuesday of each month (except in December)
Holy Family Health Education Center, rooms 4 and 5 - Meets 5:30-7 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month (except in December)
Administrative Boardroom, Sacred Heart Medical Center
Call 509-474-3343 or 509-474-4924 for more information.
Providence Health Care is accredited by the Washington State Medical Association CME Accreditation Committee to sponsor continuing medical education activities for physicians.
Providence Health Care designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 1 hours in Category I to satisfy the re-licensure requirements of the Washington State Medical Quality Assurance Commission.
Providence Health Care designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Case conferences are held every month. Call 509-474-4567 for more information.
Providence City-wide Tumor Boards are a CME-accredited multidisciplinary meeting; meets daily 7-8 a.m.
The participant will be able to:
- Implement the safest and most effective evidence-based treatment (as defined by national guidelines) that optimizes patient outcomes
- Appropriately stage each case using AJCC staging criteria
- Counsel patients on their prognosis, treatment, clinical trial eligibility and supportive services that aid in achieving optimal outcomes
Radiology, pathology, surgery, medical oncology, and other specialists are encouraged to attend.
Pre-registration is required for HIPAA and regulatory requirements. A disclosure must be completed to participate.
Virtual attendance is encouraged with an in-person option at Sacred Heart Medical Center in the Radiation Oncology Library on L3.
For a calendar and to register, send us an email.
Providence supports and administers medical education activities at Sacred Heart Medical Center & Children’s Hospital and Holy Family Hospital for doctors, nurses, specialists and technologists. Providence has the most medical facilities in the Inland Northwest, providing a wide array of learning opportunities in diverse specialties.
Spokane physician residents benefit from a strong academic presence by the University of Washington, as well as an abundance of clinical opportunities within our community.
Residency opportunities at Providence include:
Providing a pathway to nurse residency and fellowship, the Clinical Academy is a nationally accredited, evidence-based program that places new RN and nurse practitioner graduates directly into specialty positions through a year-long standard program.
Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center offers clinical pastoral education, bringing together theological students and ministers of all faiths (pastors, priests, rabbis, imams and others) into supervised encounter with persons in crisis.
Clinical Pastoral Education Program
Designed for registered nurses with a bachelor’s degree who want a leadership role in the profession of nurse anesthesia.
Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Program
MLSs perform laboratory tests on blood and body fluids necessary to detect, diagnose or treat diseases using cutting-edge scientific equipment and knowledge.