Mount St. Vincent Events

Black Tie Bingo

Black Tie Bingo Event

Black Tie Bingo is the signature annual event of the Providence Mount St. Vincent Foundation that raises vital funds for the residents and programs at Providence Mount St. Vincent. Funds raised ensure residents of The Mount enjoy a vibrant and loving home, even after their financial resources are exhausted.

Please visit our Black Tie Bingo event page for more information.

Summer Concerts at The Mount

We are excited to host concerts for the residents to enjoy on the first four Friday evenings in August.

Please watch for updates on our Facebook page:

For questions, please contact us at 206-923-3975.

Celebrating The Mount’s 100 Years

100 year anniversary logoOn 2024, we gathered together as a community to celebrate The Mount’s centennial anniversary. We honored the Sisters of Providence and the work they started in 1924, whilst renewing our commitment to our community for the next 100 years to come.

Please enjoy a recap on our centennial celebrations.

Thank you for being a part of this community!