Welcome to Kadlec
We are a team of passionate health care professionals focused on providing safe compassionate care. With Kadlec Regional Medical Center, specialty clinics, primary care clinics and locally driven programs, we are dedicated to improving the health of the Mid-Columbia region in Washington state.
Need Urgent Care?
From treating common ailments to offering routine visits, our compassionate providers will get you in and out in no time, in a clinic or through a virtual visit.
News & Information From Our Experts
Information about Providence’s negotiation with Regence and Asuris in Washington state
Providence is working with Regence BlueShield of Washington to agree to new reimbursement terms for our commercial and Medicare Advantage contracts in Washington state.

Kadlec Healthy Ages, and one man's 30,000 mile journey to better health
Kadlec Healthy Ages participant walks 30,000 miles

Lacey Perry named Chief Philanthropy Officer
Lacey Perry named Chief Philanthropy Officer

Kadlec offers unique Trauma Support Program
Trauma Support Program