Physical Therapy
Kadlec's physical therapy program puts you and your family at the center of the rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation goals are based on our evaluation and made with your input.
Our dedicated team of physical therapists are highly trained, experienced and licensed professionals. We specialize in treating a variety of orthopedic, neurological and medical problems for adults and children.
Physical therapy is a key component of treatment for a diverse range of issues. This can include disability or limitations due to:
- Orthopedic disorders
- Sports injuries
- Pre and Post Surgical rehabilitation
- Pelvic health: pediatric and adults (men and women)
- Lymphedema
- Chronic pain
- Developmental pediatric diagnoses
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Parkinson’s
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Lower extremity amputations
- Vestibular
- Oncology rehabilitation
- Hand Therapy
- Hippotherapy
- TMJ Disorders
- Bell’s Palsy
- Concussion rehab
The purpose of physical therapy is to develop new functional skills and maximize present abilities. At Kadlec, our physical therapy team works to help you reach your maximum potential for independence in functional activities.
Our treatment programs include a variety of techniques, equipment, and exercises. This may include:
- Aquatic therapy (warm water pool) with underwater treadmill
- Bioness (for Lower Extremities)
- Blood Flow Restriction Rehab
- Body Weight Support Treadmill training
- Cervical traction
- Counterstrain
- Dry Needling
- Graston Therapy/Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
- Manual therapy including, myofascial release, mobilization, and manipulation
- McKenzie Technique
- PWR! Moves and LSVT BIG (for Parkinson’s)
- Solo Step safety harness
We offer several diagnosis specific clinics to provide on-going, multi-disciplinary care. These clinics include:
- ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis) clinic
- NICU (Neonatal intensive care unit) follow-up clinic
- Prehab clinic (in preparation for total joint surgery)
We offer three locations based on your therapy need:
- Healthplex (1268 Lee Blvd, Richland)
- Spaulding clinic (1351 Fowler St, Richland)
- CBRC clinic (1776 Terminal Dr, Richland)
We complete specialty evaluations including:
- Functional Capacity Evaluations (return to work)
- Wheelchair Evaluations
As you are improving and reaching your goals, we offer transitional programs to community classes, such as:
- Better Bones and Balance
- Enhanced Fitness
- Tai Chi
- Supervised gym and pool groups
- Aquatic class