Facey urologists offer comprehensive treatment for a broad range of urological conditions affecting men and women. Our services and quality surgical care treat conditions mostly affecting the kidneys, bladder, urethra, male reproductive organs and prostate. When surgery is necessary, it is performed in a compassionate setting utilizing the latest technological techniques.
Our physicians are trained in minimally invasive and robotic surgery options for several of the above conditions, including: nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, sacrocolpopexy, bladder neck suspension, adrenalectomy, prostatectomy and many more. Contact our offices to learn about your options and schedule a consultation.
- Bladder infections, cancer and hematuria
- Continuous urinary tract infections
- Enlarged prostate (BPH)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Female incontinence and prolapse
- General urology
- Hypogonadism
- Incontinence, overactive bladder
- Kidney stones, cysts and cancer
- Painful bladder syndrome (interstitial cystitis)
- Peyronie’s disease
- Prostate cancer and elevated PSA
- Renal and ureteral reconstruction
- Testicular cancer
- Urethral stricture
- Voiding dysfunction
BPH is very common and typically affects men ages 50 and older. In fact, more than 70 percent of men in their 60s have symptoms of this condition. These symptoms include:
- Frequent need to urinate both day and night
- Loss of stream force (weak stream)
- Feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
- Delay or need to pressurize the stream to start urination (“hesitancy”)
- Urgent need to urinate
- Stream that stops and starts (“intermittent stream”)
- Dribble at the end of urination
While BPH is a benign condition, it does have an enormous impact on patients and their families:
- Psychologically (depression)
- Economically (lost work productivity)
- Quality of life (living in the bathroom and experiencing sleep deprivation)
The Urolift System is among a wide variety of procedures and treatments available for our patients at Facey Medical Group. This particular procedure has many benefits for patients. There are no sexual side effects, it doesn’t involve cutting or heating the prostate, and it can be performed either in the office or in the operating room. Men can expect a recovery period of one to two weeks, during which there are no dietary or physical restrictions. Patients can return to work quickly, and rarely are catheters required.
As we explain to our patients with BPH, the prostate is a key component in the male reproduction system and produces the majority of fluids that create semen. The prostate begins to grow during puberty and plays an important role in men’s sexual and reproductive health.
But the prostate’s growth doesn’t stop after puberty is completed. Instead, there is a slow and steady nonstop enlargement process. At around age 50, the prostate begins to block the urethra as the growth pushes inwardly (as illustrated below), resulting in a constellation of frustrating symptoms for men and their partners.
The Urolift System gained FDA clearance in 2013, following level 1 evidence – with improvement based on a randomized controlled clinical trial – demonstrating significant reduction in urinary symptoms from BPH. Follow-up studies have underlined the durability and effectiveness men can expect after the procedure.
The Urolift System procedure is performed by urologists who have undergone a rigorous training program including proctored cases, online modules and simulators. Participating urologists receive the highest level of training, and the procedure has demonstrated very positive outcomes.
During the procedure, the urologist uses the Urolift System device to lift and move the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way of the urinary stream so that the prostate no longer blocks the urethra. Tiny implants are placed to hold the tissue in place in this new unobstructed position, similar to tiebacks on a window curtain.
These implants are inert, they don’t react with human tissue and patients can’t feel them. Because they’re made of tiny amounts of stainless steel and nitinol, the implants don’t set off metal detectors. Once the Urolift System procedure is completed, the tissue is compressed and moved out of the way. The result is an open path for the urinary stream.
Men with BPH typically are still in the work force and are physically and sexually active. They often are concerned with the side effects and costs of medications to treat their BPH. Transurethral resection of the prostate, or TURP, and other surgeries that burn, microwave or cut away the prostate growth also can cause permanent issues such as leakage, erectile dysfunction or urethral stricture. In addition, these interventions can have a lengthy recovery time (six to eight weeks), may be costly, and sometimes require a post-op urinary catheter. For these and other reasons, patients may be wary of these interventions.
As a result, physicians have an inconsistent track record in treating BPH while meeting men’s expectations for a successful, minimally-invasive, cost-effective therapy with few side effects, and little or no long-term risk/complications.
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