pregnant woman and partner looking at ultrasound pictures


TeamBirth is the innovative and inclusive approach we use for deliveries and is aimed at enhancing safety, equity and dignity for all birthing families. You and your support person will have an active involvement in your birthing process, collaborating directly with your care team. They will always keep you informed, as you are an essential part of the decision-making process during your entire birthing experience.

Keeping you at the center of your birth

Birth is a normal, natural process. Yours will be unique to you, your body, and your baby. Giving birth at a TeamBirth hospital  means the care you receive reflects your preferences throughout your birth experience. Your team includes you, your support person, doctors or midwives, and nurses. You are at the center of the team — it is your body and your birth. Our caregivers are committed to listening and caring for you. We will do everything we can to make you feel supported because your birth matters. This is our goal; this is our promise.

We believe that safe birth for all starts with listening, so we want to empower you to use your voice and communicate with us. Our goal is to provide you with informed consent. Informed consent is a process between you and your care team that helps you decide what will and will not be done to your body. In the case of maternity care, informed consent also gives you the authority to decide about the care that affects your baby.

In times of emergencies, we move fast to keep you and your baby safe. Your consent even in these times is essential. If there is not time to answer all questions in an emergency, we commit to debriefing your experience after. We want to help you process your birth experience.

TeamBirth huddles are times when your care team comes together, either in person or over the phone, to talk about your labor and how you and your baby are doing. With you and your baby at the center, huddles:

  • Include you, your support person, doctors or midwives, and nurses so you can each bring your expertise and perspective to the birthing experience.
  • Provide time to process information, ask questions to ensure a full understanding, and talk about your preferences. It is a good time to decide what the best choice is for your birth.
  • Happen at admission, for decisions or changes in the plan of care, or when any team member asks for one. We encourage you and your support person to ask any of our caregivers for a “huddle.”

You are the expert when it comes to your body and your birth story. Who you are and the life you’ve lived influence your expectations and preferences. We hope you feel comfortable sharing what is important to you during this experience. We are here to support you and your growing family. It is an honor to be part of this experience with you.