Continence Restoration

Providence treats patients experiencing difficulty with incontinence by using behavioral modification and noninvasive treatment techniques. Our physical therapists are specially trained in treating patients with stress, urge or mixed urinary incontinence, as well as fecal incontinence and pelvic pain.

Incontinence is the lack of control of the urinary system. Often due to age, stress, or a medical condition, incontinence can range from a slight loss of urine control to frequent urination and overactive bladder.

Common conditions resulting in involuntary urine loss include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle atrophy
  • Unstable bladder
  • Postpartum trauma
  • Stress, urge or mixed incontinence

At Providence, our goal is to help you regain control of your urinary system. Our continence restoration programs aim to:

  • Decrease involuntary urine loss due to coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercise, etc. and minimize need for absorbent materials
  • Normalize patients voiding schedules and teach patients ways to decrease urgency
  • Teach patients a home exercise program to allow for continued improvement in maintaining continence

Patients are given personalized instruction in appropriate dietary changes, voiding schedules and tools to decrease urgency and promote healthy bladder and bowel habits. Our programs and treatments are specialized to fit your urinary needs and include non-surgical treatments such as:

  • Physical therapy – exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles (e.g., Kegel exercises)
  • Electrical stimulation – gentle stimulation may strengthen pelvis floor muscles
  • Medications such as anticholinergics, estrogen, imipramine and duloxetine
  • Medical devices such as a pessary or urethral insert
  • Behavioral techniques such as biofeedback and bladder training through toilet trip scheduling

When non-surgical treatments don't correct urinary incontinence, we offer several surgical options to provide relief.

  • Sling procedure: creation of a sling around your bladder neck and urethra to support and improve urethra closure, especially during physical activity, coughing or sneezing
  • Pelvic floor reconstruction: correction of the prolapse, which returns the bladder to a more normal anatomical position and helps support the structures around the prolapsed area