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Philanthropy at Providence fundraises over $331 million in 2021

Berry Gordy

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Thanks to the steadfast generosity of our donors and the compassion of our caregivers, philanthropy is supporting our mission and vision across our seven states.

We can confirm the collective fundraising total across our 40+ foundations was more than $331 million.

Please enjoy this 2021 Highlights: Philanthropy Reaches New Heights report showcasing just a handful of the ways generosity was shown to Providence in 2021. To see more good work donors have set in motion, visit our foundation’s websites to find examples of how philanthropy is helping Providence create health for a better world.

Thank you to the 53,000+ donors who made our philanthropic year a success—we promise to put your investments to work in our communities toward making world-class health care accessible to all, especially those who are most vulnerable.

With Gratitude,