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Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center Statement on Dr. Simone Gold

We are aware of a viral video promoting what we believe to be unproven, false and misleading information about COVID-19 featuring a group of physicians. Dr. Simone Gold is not a member of the medical staff at any Providence hospital and her practice is not located on any Providence campus. Although Dr. Gold was a member of the hospital’s medical staff over a decade ago, Dr. Gold was never employed at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center.  In fact, California prohibits hospitals from directly employing physicians. Dr. Gold’s opinions are her own and do not reflect the position of Providence with respect to protocols surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
Providence strongly condemns the claims made in the video. We follow an evidence-based approach based on guidelines, protocols, and recommendations for the treatment and management of infectious disease established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, the World Health Organization, the National Institute of Health, and our own Providence research team.
These measures help us protect every caregiver and safely care for our patients and communities. We remain wholly committed to your care and wellbeing.