Helping children cope with stress

We're all in this together, and our younger generations are just as scared as we are. They need guidance just like we do. Stress and anxiety don't discriminate based on age. Whether we are parents or simply concerned community members the health of children in times of crisis is a serious matter. They represent change, and we need to equip them with the power and tools to facilitate the change inherent in their percolating ideas. 

The World Health Organization identified five key tips to help our children navigate the current or future health crisis. Here's our interpretation of the infographic. 

1. Be supportive: embrace their concerns and give them extra love and affection.

2. Help them relax: listen to their needs, be present and make time to play.

3. Keep them close: limit exposure to outside elements; use video chat technologies to stay connected to family and friends. 

4. Maintain routines: treat your new-found responsibility of homeschooling as an opportunity to both keep existing and create new processes.

5. Educate them: tell them the truth (age comprehension considered) about what's going on and why you're taking measures to stay inside and limit physical exposure to others. 

Stay safe, wash your hands, and keep your distance. Society will thank you.