A doctor consults with her patients.

Providence Olympia Urology

4.8   |  441 Ratings
2033.9 miles away
Fax: 360-455-7405
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Providence Olympia Urology

4.8   |  441 Ratings
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fax: 360-455-7405
2033.9 miles away
Our clinic treats both male and female urology issues. Urology treatment involves the accurate diagnosis of issues and the proper management and treatment. Many urology conditions are treatable without surgery. We are happy to work with you as we strive to get you back to feeling like yourself.
New patients

If you are a new patient, we can usually see you within a few days of your initial call. Please come in 20 minutes early to complete our new patient packet.


If you need a refill, please contact your pharmacy directly. They will fax us the request and we will authorize a refill. Please all 72 hours notice for a refill.

BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

Our Urologists specialize in treating urinary problems in men due to enlarged prostate or bladder overactivity. We offer comprehensive treatment including lifestyle changes, medication management and surgical therapy. We specialize in minimally invasive therapy as well as more invasive surgical options

  • Minimally Invasive options:
    • Urolift: Small implants are used to hold open the obstructed pathway that blocks urine flow. A mechanical solution to a mechanical problem
    • Rezum: Water vapor used to shrink the size of the prostate
    • Optilume: Drug-coated balloon that dilates the urethral lumen and delivers paclitaxel
  • Surgical options:
    • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP): the obstructive prostate tissue is removed to create a more open pathway.
      • Multiple options exist including Monopolar, Bi-polar and Green-light Laser
    • Robotic Simple Prostatectomy
      • Robotic surgery to remove a significant portion of the obstructive prostate
Kidney Stones

When you need relief from kidney stones, our Urologists offer multiple treatment options including medical expulsive therapy as well as surgical therapy.

  • Surgical options include:
    • Ureteroscopy: a small camera is inserted into your kidney to visualize the stone and a laser is used to break up the stone so it can be removed
    • Extra-corporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL):  Sound waves are used to break up stones
Prostate cancer Screening

Prostate cancer often does not cause any symptoms, and when caught early has a high survival rate of more than 90 percent.

Robotic Surgery

Our Urologists specialize in treating benign and cancerous diseases of the Genito-urinary system using the DaVinci robotic system.

  • Surgeries performed include:
    • Robotic Prostatectomy
    • Robotic Simple Prostatectomy
    • Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
    • Robotic Radical Nephrectomy
    • Robotic Pyeloplasty
    • Robotic Ureteral reconstruction
Urologic Oncology

Our Urologists work closely with a team of Medical and Radiation Oncologists to diagnose, treat and manage cancers of the Genitourinary system.

  • The most common cancers treated include cancers of the Kidney’s, Bladder, Prostate and testicular cancer.
Erectile Dysfunction

Our team of Urologists and Physician Assistants provide comprehensive management of Erectile dysfunction. We offer a complete overview of treatment options to include:

  • Mediations – Both oral medications, Vacuum erection devices and injection therapies.
  • Surgery – Penile Prosthesis surgery involves placing an inflatable implant inside the penis to re-create the normal natural erection.
Testosterone Replacement

Our providers manage testosterone replacement therapy for medically diagnosed hypogonadism. We follow the American Urological Associations guidelines for therapy thresholds and treatments.

  • Therapy options include under the tongue dissolvable testosterone tablets, self injectable testosterone, topical formulations that are applied to the skin.
  • There are also other androgen modulating medications we can use if needed such as anastrozole or clomid.

We are happy to discuss all of these options with you.

Urinary Incontinence/Pelvic Pain

We offer comprehensive management and treatment options for all types of urinary incontinence.

  • Including surgical and non-surgical options.

We also work closely with pelvic floor physical therapists for pelvic floor health.

  • We can evaluate pelvic pain and discuss multiple options for work up and treatment.
Recurrent UTIs 

We offer a full, detailed workup for recurrent UTIs including cystoscopy and upper urinary tract imaging. Our focus is on prevention of recurrent UTIs and to try and avoid excessive antibiotic use.

  • We offer lifestyle modifications, over-the-counter therapies as well as antibiotic management solutions. 
Sacral Neurostimulator

We are a major provider for this advanced treatment if you have urinary urgency, frequency, urge urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence, or inability to empty your bladder. A nerve evaluation test is initially performed to see if you will be a good candidate for this often successful way to manage difficult bladder and bowel problems.  A gentle, painless low level signal is provided by this small implanted device to give you freedom for years. We provide both the original Medtronics device as well as the Axonics rechargeable device. Medicare and almost all insurances cover this treatment.

Transurethral Resection of the Prostate Surgery (TURP)

If you suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or other urinary conditions caused by an enlarged prostate, your doctor may recommend this effective and efficient prostate surgery.

Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate cancer often does not cause any symptoms, and when caught early has a survival rate of more than 90 percent.


Our urologists and specialists offer this advanced treatment for patients who suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - a condition in which the prostate begins to enlarge over time.


When you need relief from ureteral or kidney stones, you can trust our urologists to deliver targeted treatment.

Simple Prostatectomy

Our teams of surgeons and urologists treat the sensitive urologic conditions that affect the everyday lives of our patients.

Laser Prostatectomy

Laser prostatectomy is used to treat enlarged prostate quickly and effectively.

Our urologists and urogynecologists specialize in treating bladder problems in both men and women.

Provide the essential care and treatments for a broad range of urological conditions that affect the kidneys, bladder and prostate.

Our teams of urologists and urogynecologists are experts in treating pelvic conditions - like irregular bladder, bowel and vaginal function - helping improve your quality of life.

Find a Doctor

At Providence Olympia Urology, you'll have access to a vast network of dedicated and compassionate providers who offer personalized care by focusing on treatment, prevention and health education.