Community Wellness
Community Wellness
Community Wellness is the premier central resource for health education, weight management, health screenings, and wellness programs. Their team is made up of registered nurses, registered dietitians, exercise physiologists, certified health coaches and health educators. Services are offered include, but are not limited to, diabetes management, nutrition, weight management, tobacco cessation, Mental Health First Aid, Living Well with Chronic Conditions, and Blood Pressure Self-Management and can be done both in office and at your location.
Our Programs & Services
The staff at Community Wellness are here to help you make informed decisions about your health when it comes to weight management.
From healthy eating and stress management to CPR classes and tobacco cessation, we give you the tools you need to live a long and healthy life.
Community Wellness is able to bring many of our classes and services to your location.

Registration and Resources
Community Wellness offers a variety of educational classes, events, screenings and presentations for members of the community as well as health care professionals.
Get an overview of the different classes we offer and register online.