St. Joseph Heritage Medical Group Orange Chapman - Radiology

St. Joseph Heritage Orange - Chapman Mammogram Screening

1153.0 miles away
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

St. Joseph Heritage Orange - Chapman Mammogram Screening

Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Schedule a mammogram screening (For current primary care patients only)

You need to be a current patient with St. Joseph Health Medical Group family practice, internal medicine or gynecology providers to schedule online. If you have any mammogram scheduling questions, please call our Radiology scheduling department at 714-628-3305 for further assistance.

Before your visit:
  • Please make sure to wear a two piece outfit and no deodorant or talcum powder.
  • If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please call our office as soon as possible. Please arrive 10 – 15 minutes early so you can fill out any applicable patient paperwork.
  • Please review the personal information above. If you need to make a change, please notify the receptionist upon check-in.
  • Please complete the form and bring the printed copy with you to your appointment
Here’s what to expect when you have a mammogram:
  • Rest assured that mammograms use low-dose x-rays and can detect lumps that are too small to be felt.
  • Schedule your mammogram the week after your period when your breasts are less tender.
  • Don’t wear deodorant, powder, lotions or ointments since it may indicate a breast problem where there is none.
  • It’s best to wear a two-piece outfit so you only have to remove your top, making it easier and more comfortable for you.
  • The entire process takes 30 minutes or less. Each of your breasts will be compressed for approximately 20-30 seconds. The compression may be uncomfortable but flattening the breast is necessary to get the clearest image.
  • Our technicians understand how to make you feel as comfortable as they can before, during and after the exam.
  • Keep in mind that most unusual findings are not cancer; they could be cysts or dense tissue. Also, since this is your first time, there are no old mammograms to compare to. With your first mammogram you’re establishing a baseline that will help you and your doctor monitor your breast health going forward.
  • Your first mammogram is generally a screening test and not a diagnostic test, which evaluates specific problems or findings.
  • After the screening, a specially trained breast radiologist will review the images and report back to your physician in a timely manner.