Mission Surgery Center
Mission Surgery Center is committed to recognizing and meeting the outpatient surgery needs in our community. By integrating our values of compassion, dignity, justice, excellence and integrity we have created a safe, technologically advanced and cost effective environment in which to care for our patients.
Mission Surgery Center meets extensive regulatory requirements to ensure quality and safety. The Center is Accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).
“AAAHC accreditation means that the organization participates in on-going self evaluation, peer review and education to continuously improve its care and services. The organization also commits to a thorough, on-site survey by AAAHC surveyors, who are themselves health care professionals, at least every three years.” (aaahc.org, 2020)
Click on each type surgery to learn more about it and the conditions it treats.
Specializing in ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery for adult and pediatric patients, including:
- Removal of head and neck tumors
- Thyroid and parathyroid surgery utilizing laryngeal nerve monitoring
- Sinus and nasal surgery utilizing image guidance technology
- Tonsil surgery
- Laser ear surgery utilizing facial nerve monitoring
- Tympanostomy tube placement
Treatment for conditions involving the musculoskeletal system such as shoulders, knees, foot and ankle, or hand and wrist. Often treated with arthroscopic surgical approach using our minimally invasive video-assisted technology.
Specializing in a wide range of areas including gastrointestinal tract, breast tissue and endocrine system. Procedures include breast biopsy, gall bladder surgery, hernia repairs and much more.
Specializing in diseases specific to women such as:
- Dilation and curettage
- Hysteroscopy
- Endometrial ablation
- Laparoscopy
- Pelvic support
Treatment for functions and disorders of the urinary system:
- Shockwave lithotripsy
- Scope of bladder and urethra
Surgical treatment of eye disorders:
- Cataract removal with lens placement
- Stent placement for glaucoma
Specializing in spine disorders causing nerve pain using minimally invasive technology:
- Microdiscectomy
- Laminectomy
- Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF)
Restoration, reconstruction or alteration of the body:
- Facelift
- Breast reduction
- Breast augmentation
- Abdominoplasty
- Liposuction
Specializing in treatment of the foot and ankle:
- Bunion correction
- Repair hammertoe
- Fusion of big toe joint
- Fusion of foot bones
Surgery of the face, mouth and jaws:
- Bone grafting
- Corrective jaw surgery
- Reconstruction
Minimally invasive procedures using fluoroscopic guidance:
- Epidural steroid injection
- Facet joint injection
- Intramuscular and trigger point injections
We are pleased that you and your physician have chosen Mission Surgery Center for your upcoming surgery. It is our goal to provide you with excellent care during your stay with us.
Express check-in
Prior to your scheduled surgery please review our patient rights information as well as complete the following forms for an express check-in. This will save you time upon your arrival and give the Center the information we need to ensure safe and quality care.
Send us your completed, signed forms by email.
Additionally, we have some helpful information under the FAQ’s tab that may help you better understand what to expect on your surgery day and how to prepare for your visit.
Having surgery can make you nervous. Knowing what to expect can help answer any questions you may have and help you feel more comfortable with what you are having done. Every surgery is different. Your doctor can provide all the details, information and answer your questions for you. The more you know about your procedure, the better you can take part in getting well.
- As a general rule, you should not eat or drink anything after midnight before surgery. In some cases, you may be allowed to drink clear liquids up to a few hours before your anesthesia. Not being able to have a sip of water or coffee may seem strict, but this decreases the risk of problems such as vomiting during surgery.
- You may brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with a small sip of water, but do not swallow any of it.
- If you have been told to take medications the day of surgery, take them with just a small sip of water.
- Do not chew gum on the day of surgery.
- Stop smoking for at least twenty-four (24) hours before surgery.
- Do not drink alcohol for at least twenty-four (24) hours before surgery.
- Bathe or shower the day of surgery. Do not wear makeup, lotion, powder, or deodorant.
- Clothing should be loose fitting, comfortable and appropriate for wearing after the procedure you will be having. Do not wear jewelry, including wedding rings and body piercings (including tongue piercing), or bring money or things that are important to you. Rings may be cut off if unable to be removed to lower the risk of problems such as swelling during surgery.
- No hairspray or hairpins should be worn.
- You may be asked to remove your glasses, contacts, hearing aids and dentures. Please bring your eyewear case, your hearing aid case and/or a denture cup.
- If you have a C-Pap or Bi-Pap machine ask if you should bring it the day of surgery.
- Bring items such as:
- Your inhaler if you have asthma
- Cane if you use one
- Crutches if needed post-op
- Patients returning home following their surgery must be driven home by a responsible adult.
This information is very important for your safety. If you do not follow the instructions about not eating or drinking before your surgery, your surgery may be delayed or even canceled.
You will be instructed what medicines to take the day of surgery, any special supplies/ equipment to bring with you. You will also be told what time you need to stop eating and drinking. There are certain surgeries that require special preparations the day before, and you may even need to only drink clear fluids.
It is very important for you to talk honestly with your nurses, doctors and other staff members. It is also important for you to take part in your treatment choices, promote your own safety by knowing what is going on during your stay, and remain actively involved in your care.
You should feel comfortable about how to prepare for the day of surgery, know what to do when you arrive at the building for your procedure, and have an understanding of what to before returning home at the end of your interview/appointment.
Your nurse in the preoperative holding or prep area on the day of surgery will make sure that you are completely ready with all the correct information before surgery. Below are some examples.
Patient identification
You will be asked to state two ways to identify yourself such as your name and birthday. The nurse will check that your identification bracelet matches what you say and your records. It is very important that you always give the correct information about yourself when you are asked.
Surgical consent
Your surgeon will have informed you of your procedure prior to surgery. You will be asked to sign your name on a written surgical consent; a nurse or staff member will be there to serve as a witness. At this time, you are encouraged to ask questions about your surgery. Please make sure you are well informed by the surgeon.
Anesthesia interview
Your anesthesiologist (the doctor who gives you medicine for surgery) will interview you before your surgery. This is an important time for you to ask questions about your anesthesia, what to expect, if you have had any type of reaction before with surgery, any family member that may have had a problem with surgery and how your pain will be managed.
Nurse interview
Preoperative nurse: The nurse will check on you and ask you questions. Some of the questions you may have been asked before, but it is important to ask for your safe care.
- List of medications: Bring a list of your medications you are taking, how much you take, and how often you take them. The medication list will include prescribed and over the counter medications, vitamins, herbals and any recreational drugs. The nurse will verify all of these medications on the day of surgery.
- Allergies: The nurse will verify medication, food, environmental and latex allergies.
- Devices: You need to let the nurse know if you have any devices such as an insulin pump, pain pump, pacemaker, automatic internal cardiac defibrillator (AICD) or C-PAP machine.
Surgery nurse: The nurse who will be with you during surgery. He or she will verify the following before taking you into the operating room:
- Your name and birth date
- Allergies
- The name of your surgeon
- What type of surgery you are having
- Where you are having your surgery
Delays may occur when a hospital emergency case is put ahead of yours or a patient before you has a procedure that lasts longer than planned. It is never easy to wait, so try to keep yourself busy by reading, watching television or using relaxing techniques. If there is a delay, your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.
Before you have surgery, it is natural to wonder if you are going to have pain or hurt after your procedure. It is normal to experience some pain, but you should not have to deal with severe pain after any surgery. Your doctors and nurses will make sure that you know how to take care of your pain after your surgery. It is important to control your pain after your procedure to help make your recovery faster.
If you are hurting and have pain, tell someone! When you are recovering, your nurses will often ask you to give your pain a number from a scale of 0-10, with “0” being “you have no pain” and “10” being “the worst pain you ever had or can imagine.” Giving your pain a number helps the nurses know how well your pain is being managed and if your plan with your doctor is working. If the number scale is confusing to you or does not make sense, there are other ways to let the nurses know how much pain you are having. Please let them know.
If you are going home that same day, you will be given printed discharge instructions for your care at home. The nursing staff will go over all the information with you and a family member or friend. Your instructions will include:
- Activity restrictions
- Diet
- Pain medication
- Follow-up instructions with your surgeon
- Signs to watch for if you need to call the doctor
Patients who have outpatient/same day surgery must have someone drive them home and stay with for 24 hours following their surgery. The medications you were give during your surgery may affect your memory and mental judgment for the next 24 hours. During that time frame, do not use alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. It is also advised for you not to make any important business or personal decisions and do not use machinery or electrical equipment.
In a day or two after surgery, a nurse may call to check to see how you are feeling. It is important that you provide the staff with a correct working phone number so they can contact you.
The FAQ’s have been retrieved from the American Society of PeriAnsthesia Nurses.
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