Anurag Sahai, MD
Apple Valley, CA 92307
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About Anurag Sahai
What is your philosophy of practice?
Compassionate care! Communication between Physician and patient is essential for optimal care.
What do you feel is the biggest reward of a career in medicine?
Watching the patient and families feel better as patients improve, especially with a critical care patient. While you are keeping yourself grounded in realization, you see how complex the universe and human body is.
Why did you select a career in medicine?
Each day brings new changes and challenges, along with the opportunity to do good.
What are some activities/hobbies you like to participate in during your free time?
Hiking, Travel, Gardening and Meditation
Appointment Hot Line Available: 760-242-2333, ext. 26
Patient Age Limitations: Age 16 years and above.
Providence St. Mary Medical Center