Muhittin Belirgen, MD
Lubbock, TX 79410
Texas Tech Physicians Neurosciences Group
4102 24th Street, Suite 504, Lubbock, TX 79410
About Muhittin Belirgen
Dr. Muhittin Belirgen is a neurosurgeon with clinical interest in pediatric neurosurgery including tumors, craniofacial surgeries, treatment of hydrocephalus, spinal dysraphisms, chairi malformations, spaticity and pediatric spine surgery including instrumentation from occiput to sacrum and correction of spinal deformities. Dr. Beligren has several publications in the field of neurosurgery. He joined Covenant Children's Hospital in March of 2011.
Dr. Belirgen completed his residency in Neurosurgery in Istanbul, Turkey. He then moved to UT Southwestern Children's Medical Center in Dallas, Texas where he completed his Pediatric Neurosurgery Clinical fellowship, followed by a spine surgery clinical fellowship at the University of Iowa Department of Neurosurgery. He is a Certified Foriegn Medical Graduate, whose practice is limited to Pediatric Neurosurgery.
Marmara University School of Medicine